
Our center/school is characterized by having its own pedagogical program, adapted to each age, from 2 years old to adults recognized by the Ministry of Education.

Creative dance and pre-ballet

Creative dance 
Introductory dance classes for students aged between 2 and 3 , who come to class accompanied by an adult who participates in the class or 3 to 6 year-old students, who attend independently. 
The main work of the class is the development of autonomy, movement creativity and coordination of gross psychomotor skills, from the artistic and imaginative perspective, in order to give meaning to each movement that is . created
Tuesday 16:30-17:15(2-3 years accompanied) 
Tuesday 17:35-18:20 (3-5 years) 
Saturday 10:00-10:45 (3 -5 years)

Dance classes for students in kinder garden, 3-5 years old. 
Classes designed with the aim of gradually introducing students to the world of dance using exercises adapted to their age, working mainly on coordination, musicality and body expression, while gradually introducing the vocabulary of dance. Dance. 
Pre-ballet 1 (3 years old): Monday 5:15-6:00 p.m.
Pre-ballet 2 (4 years old) Monday and Wednesday 5:15-6:00 p.m. 
Pre-ballet 3 (5 years): Monday and Wednesday 6:20-7:05 p.m

Classic Ballet

Classical ballet is the basis of dance, being the first standardized and academic dance style. Among many other benefits classical dance stylizes the body, helps posture, corrects bad back habits, helps concentration,. Taking into account these premises and our reality iwe have created our own pedagogical plan in which students are graded/assigned to the different groups taking into account he physical, cognitive and emotional needs of each age group. 
Ballet 1-2: Classes for students in the first cycle of primary school (6-7- year-old ). These classes designed to introduce the student to the structure of a ballet class, developing the properphysical preparation, introducing the technique of dance t, understanding the key concepts of each step to execute them correctly and doing both artistic and musical work at a deeper level than in pre-ballet. 
Grades 1-9: Courses created for students aged from 8 to 18, who are graded according to their technical ability so that they can gradually grow in the world of ballet, step by step,and can add valueto each year as they grow.From grade 2 onwards, a specific pointe and physical preparation class is added, in such a way that the pointeclasses are accompanied by the necessary physical strength and thus, avoiding injuries.

Recognized training: From grade 1 to grade 4, students can opt for training recognized by the Ministry of Education. This training consists of classical dance technique classes, music, body language, pointe and physical preparation.

From ArtDansa we are committed to an education in dance adapted to each age, offering each student a class adapted to their physical, cognitive and emotional needs.

In this video you can see a sample of how we program progressions from the first steps to the grades in our pedagogical program.

Adult ballet

We create a specific area of the center exclusively for adults, divided by levels and areas in which they are comfortable in classes, being able to follow their personal goals and adapt to their needs. Adults 0: 12-week course in which an introduction to classical dance is carried out, designed for students who have never started ballet or who studied it in their childhood and who, years later, wish to resume it. In this course the student is introduced to the vocabulary of ballet, the correct execution of the technique and the musicality of the exercises are explained, among other aspects. Once this course is finished, the student will join the Adult 1 class with the certainty that they will be able to develop, without feeling lost.

Adults 1, 2 and 3: Adult classes divided into 3 levels: basic, intermediate and advanced. Classes adapted to the objectives of each one, adapting the classes to the physical, technical and artistic needs that each student needs and desires.


Adults 0: Monday and Wednesday 17:30-18:15 (January 13th to April 17th)

Adults 1.1: Tuesday and Thursday 19:45-21:15

Adults 1.2: Monday and Wednesday 19:00-20:30

Adults 2: Tuesday and Thursday 19:45-21:15

Adults 3: Monday and Wednesday 19:30-21:30

Pointing and physical level 1: Friday 19:30-20:30

Dance in the classroom is based on the principles of kinesthetic learning, which focuses on learning through movement. Therefore, we adapt the curriculum of various subjects to convert them into movements, thus providing meaningful learning to students. This learning approach is especially effective for children with dyslexia, ADHD, and diverse learning abilities.


Wednesday 17:50-18:50

Dance in the clasroom

Body expression


Body expression is the basis of any stage discipline, with it we get our body to become an element of communication. We will work as an essential part of mime, theater and dance-theater. Likewise, we will take the opportunity to work on jazz dance and thus complement the ballet.


Level 1 (5-7 years old): Monday

Level 2 (8-10 years old): Wednesday


Program recognized by the Ministry of Education.

From ArtDansa we are committed to an education in dance adapted to each age, offering each student a class adapted to their physical, cognitive and emotional needs. Starting from an early age of 2, working your way up year after year with your own program up to adult levels based on your interests.

This own program has been recognized by the Department of Education of the Balearic Islands, thus acknowledging the quality of the program, teaching team and facilities.

For this, the students who are studying grades 1-4 have the possibility of obtaining the recognized degree by studying Ballet, pointe and physical preparation, music and body expression.

Course Ballet Music Body expression Points and physique
Grade 1 2H/Semana 1H/week 1H/week 0H/week
Grade 2 2H/Semana 1H/week 1H/week 1H/week
Grade 3 2.5 H/Week 1H/week 1H/week 1H/week
Grade 4 3H/Semana 1H/week 1H/week 2H/Semana

Please check our schedule to see what classes we have available
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