We have large dance rooms equipped with fixed and mobile bars, mirrors, laminated flooring and linoleum.
Room 1
80 m2 room, distributed in 8m wide by 9m long.
Equipped with portable bars and fixed bars, music equipment. It has natural light, natural ventilation and air conditioning equipment.
Satarting at €25/h. VAT
Room 2
60 m2 room, distributed in 10 long and 6 wide.
Equipped with fixed bars, mirrors and natural light, stereo, natural ventilation and air conditioning equipment
Starting at €20/h. VAT
We are committed to the reuse of clothing, thus avoiding the cost of it in each performance, thus we contribute to improving the environment by not creating more product than is needed. Classified in 3 categories according to the quality and condition of the tutu. Do you want to know more about our changing room rental service? Write to us at: info@artdansa.es