Covid 19 protocols


We all work together to get back to normal!


Before coming

If you feel unwell, have or have had a fever, have had contact with a case of Covid or have any other symptoms. STAY AT HOME!


entrance to the center

1. We will take you at temperature. (37.3º max) 2. We will wash our hands with hydroalcoholic gel. 3. We will try not to use the changing rooms or we will use the indicated changing room for the shortest possible time. 4. Students older than 6 years old will enter the center alone.


During the classes

1. Rooms are marked with personal spaces. 2. We will not approach colleagues. 3. The mask will be optional as long as the distance of 1.5m is maintained. To carry out procedures with the secretariat, you must wait until the students are in class and take advantage of the moments when the center is less crowded.


class exit

1. Parents/family members who come to pick up students will wait outside the center. 2. Parents will be called one by one to maintain safe distances. 3. If you realize that you have had contact with someone infected with Covid-19. Notify the center as soon as possible.
Download our complete protocol
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